
Mudrcova Čarodílna

Shamanic needs
Drumstick for shamanic drums

Paličky k šamanským bubnům  Boat and paddle
A mallet is an inherent part of a drum.
For drumming, I can basically use a piece of branch, the end of which I wrap with cloth or leather.
But I don't really enjoy riding a boat with a bad paddle. The wands from Čarodílna have a fur-stitched head, the sound of such a wand is deeper and more rumbling.

I make mallets mainly from elder wood, or from hemp stems or Yucca flower stems. Hemp sticks, or Yukas, are a little more prone to breaking, but they are very light. (which we will definitely appreciate after an hour of drumming). The head of the mallet is made of cotton and then trimmed with fur. The handle is wrapped in deerskin or jute string and polished with propolis tincture and beeswax.

Rattle sticks are a specialty of the Magic Workshop
- the head of the mallet, like the rattle, is made of rawhide, filled with glass beads and trimmed with fur. The mallet also rattles while drumming.
Choosing a mallet is not an easy matter, and it is best to choose a mallet directly for a particular drum. Each mallet has a slightly different sound and balance. It is good to try what will suit us. It is generally said that a snare drum should have a small mallet, but in my opinion it is more a matter of taste.

If you are interested in a product, contact us by email or messenger message (dan@dajda.cz) and we will take a photo of the current product offer. Since each product is original, it is not within our power to keep the offer on the website up-to-date.

Shamanic frame drum

Paličky k šamanským bubnům  Paličky k šamanským bubnům  Paličky k šamanským bubnům  Paličky k šamanským bubnům

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